Welcome to Janicke Machinery, Inc.
Janicke Machinery, Inc. specializes in service of all types of W.A. Whitney™ equipment as well as resale of refurbished machinery.
Our extensive service and parts inventory is on hand to serve your needs.
Machine DOWN ?
Financing IS Available for your Machinery Purchase
We sell replacement parts at a lower Cost for:
- Creonics Control
- Fabrication Equipment
- Punch/PlasmaMachines
- IC-300 Torch Packs
- IC-200 Torch Packs
- Hypertherm Torch Packs
- FANUC& GE 2000 Controls
- Conveyors
- Install Machines, Torch Packs and Controls
- Train on Machines, Controls and Torch Packs
- Re-sell Machinery
- Service W.A. Whitney™ equipment
- Rebuild W.A. Whitney™ equipment
- Retrofit Controls and Torch Packs
- Over a Combines 125 years of Experience
We will Buy your old Parts and Machines
- Encoders
- G.E. 2000 Boards / Control
- Creonics Controls / Motors
- Allen Bradley Drives
- Allen Bradley Drives
- G.E. AC200 Drives and Power Supply
- W.A. Whitney™ Machinery

(6) 661’s available Completely Refurbished
For More Information
Phone (815) 965-0073
Fax (815) 965-0081
Email: [email protected]
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